Mazé A., Cadabuig Domenech A., Goldringer, I. (2018) Restoring Cultivated Agrobiodiversity and knowledge governance within peasant seed networks: an IAD perspective, Working Paper
Mazé, A. (2018) Geographical Indications: intellectual property rights and discursive strategies in polycentric governance.
Mazé A. (2015) Learning, Models of Cognition and Institutional Change. Extending New Institutional Economics.
Mazé A. (2013) Regulatory agencies: beyond public versus private bureaus. The 2006 regulatory reform of INAO
Mazé A. (2005) Quality Regulation and the creation of a market for certification. A European perspective ( 2005 ISNIE conference, Barcelona).
Research Projects
2018-2019 - GIngKo (Geographical Indications as Knowledge Commons). Research grant: INRA, Dpt SAD/CIRAD.
2016-2018 : SENAC (Socio-Ecological Networks in a Changing World) co-directed with J. Fernandez (Université Paris Sud, ESE Team TESS) and I.Goldringer (INRA CGQ Le Moulon), Research Grant: Labex BASC Uni. Paris Saclay.
2015-2017 : Défi TAE - Towards Agro-Ecological Transitions, Grant: INRA Dpt SAD., with D. Magda, G. Ollivier , G. Plumecoq, C. Lamine
2008-2012: Field Research on Regulatory agencies and Standard setting strategies: the impact of the 2006 INAO reform. Grant: INRA, UMR SADAPT.
2004-2006 - ACTA-ICTA. Articulating environmental and Quality Certification systems in agriculture. Grant: French Ministry of research and agriculture
2000-2007 - AgroTransfert Picardie - Designing sustaibaility stardards and environmental farm certification , Research grant: Regional Council of Picardie.
1998-2001 - EU FP6 FAIR Projet: Quality strategies and collective organization of producers: comparing PDO/PGI systems with private branding strategies
1995-1996 - AIP Qualité - Institutional foundations of quality regulations in European Agri-Food Sector. Research Grant: NRA Dpt SAD..